Dear Friends and Colleagues
It was a great pleasure to welcome you all to the 11th Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) Meeting and TINNET conference, taking place from March 14th to 16th, 2018 in Regensburg, Germany.
We would like to give thanks to:
- all of you who joined the conference and made this events so special, filling it with expertise, knowledge and so much experience in researching and treating tinnitus
- all presenters of posters and talks for their scientific commitment and their professional presentations
- our scientific committee members for their time and expertise to review all submitted abstracts
- our poster judges, who watched all poster presentations and had to make a hard decision
- all session chairs for their great work during the sessions
- our conference reporters Stephen Harrison and David Stockdale for filling our Twitter feed with life
- our Conference Venue Parkside Events for hosting us well, especially to Daniela Münch, Jürgen Fröhlich and their service team who helped us with all occurring issues
- Donauschifffahrt Wurm + Noé for the very special Networking Dinner cruise on the "Kristallkönigin"
- our sponsors and exhibitors, especially to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Universitätsstiftung Vielberth from Regensburg University
- Döpfer Hochschule for kindly providing the rooms for our event
- the Regensburger Hotelverein for their support and providing the booking platform for our event, especially Hotel Orphée for hosting our keynote speakers and invited guests
- Airportliner Regensburg for taking our guests safely from and to Munich
The TRI/TINNET conference team